Recently, we enjoyed a very stimulating presentation from Crawford Inglis and Lucy Girling on Oban High School's efforts towards promoting the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Programme. Crawford and Lucy are teachers at OHS and there is little doubt that to achieve a bronze, silver or gold award from this very demanding and diverse non academic programme is seen by employers as a very important adjunct to students' other qualifications. The programme now forms part of the curriculum at OHS and student participation is at quite a high level.
The photograph shows Crawford and Lucy accepting a cheque for £500, from Rotary President Ken Moncrieff, towards the cost of running the scheme which is heavily dependant on volunteer staff at OHS.
Further to the above:
D of E Expedition Presentation Evening at Oban High School
By way of feedback on this, I attended this event on Tuesday, 21st June 2016.
Lucy Girling who is the course co-ordinator and who spoke to us at lunch a couple of months ago, made generous mention of the support provided by Rotary Club of Oban to assist with purchase of equipment. On the printed programme produced for the evening, Rotary was mentioned as one of the 4 financial supporters of the venture along with MacQueen Bros Charitible Trust, Outside Edge and Highland Stores.
Around 40 Bronze award candidates made excellent video/powerpoint presentations in their 6 teams, covering their recent overnight expeditions on Kerrera and Lismore. It was great to see the result of their hard work and it certainly appeared that our Clubs support of the venture is well justified. Lucy Girling and her team have now established a rolling programme within Oban High School covering the Bronze, Silver and Gold stages of the award scheme, currently involving over 80 young people between S3 and S6.
An excellent scheme, an excellent programme within the school, an excellent evening of presentations and good to see Rotary being involved in support.