Dalmally Primary School is currently fund raising with a view to taking a group of primary 5 and 6 pupils to an outward bound course at Lochgoilhead later this year.
These courses are residential and are regarded as hugely beneficial to the development of the youngsters. Oban Rotary donated £200 towards Dalmally's costs and President Iain Mac Intyre is seen here handing the cheque to the pupils concerned.
Oban Rotary has also provided financial support to other schools making similar trips.
As part of its support of local youth activities the Rotary Club of Oban regularly contributes financially to the cost of "Outward Bound" courses which are made available by the local primary schools.
This picture, which is by way of a "thank you" from Dunbeg and Lochnell primary 7 pupils to Oban Rotary for their support following a trip to an Outdoor Centre at Lochgoilhead, illustrates some of the activities undertaken.
In the words of the schools " Oban Rotary's financial support ensures that these courses are available to all and it was emphasised that "outdoor learning" is hugely beneficial to pupils socially, emotionally and physically as part of their preparation for higher education