Oban Rotary has lent its support of Police Scotland's Young Volunteers initiative (PSYV) which aims to train teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 to become good citizens by means of helping where appropriate local good causes.
Police Scotland's local co-ordinator is PC Claire Brown and, at her invitation, president Tommy McQuade and SVP Iain Mac Intyre attended an introductory presentation at Oban High School earlier this year when the aims of the initiative were explained. SVP Iain along with PP Graham MacQueen attended a " Passing Out Parade" at Oban High School on 22/3/18 when 15 youngsters were inducted to the scheme having successfully completed 12 weeks of training.
The groups first venture in the community will be bag packing at Tesco's to raise funds for Hope Kitchen. Endorsing this scheme could lead to Rotary calling on the volunteers to support us in our efforts e.g. ball spotters at the Am-Am and , of course, bag packing at Christmas.
Our picture shows the volunteers being inspected at the "Passing Out Parade".