Oban Rotary President Douglas Small met with Carl Olivarius, a Volunteer
from Argyll Talking Newspapers, on 15th August in Oban and took great pleasure in handing over a cheque for £100 in
support of this very worthwhile charity.
Carl explained that Argyll talking Newspapers has been
distributing free audio recordings of Local newspapers, including the Oban Times, to all parts of Argyll and Bute since 1986.
Audio recording are prepared by a band of volunteers on a
Friday and circulated to over 150 blind, visually impaired or incapacitated
people for whom reading is a strain. This superb facility allows listeners to keep up to date
with life in their communities and helps to counteract the feeling of isolation from society at large. Carl reported that of special interest are the” hatches
,matches and dispatches” and “ the police files” !
President Douglas said that the Rotary Club of Oban wished Argyll
Talking Newspapers every success for the future and were delighted to support
this wonderful Charity.